Store Information

Store Hours & Contact Information

Q. What hours are your stores open?

A. You can determine the hours for your local store by using our store locator.

Q. How can I contact Stater Bros. Markets?

A. You can contact Stater Bros. Markets by contacting your local store, filling out a contact form or calling our support team directly, view more information on our contact page.

Q. Are Stater Bros. Markets stores closed on holidays?

A. Store hours may vary, please check store locator for details.

Q. Does Stater Bros. Markets have a phone number?

A. Yes, you can find a phone number for your local store by using our store locator. You can also call our support team at 1.855.STATERS (1.855.782.8377) Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm.

Store Features

Q. Does Stater Bros. Markets offer Curbside Pickup?

A. Yes, select stores currently offer Curbside Pickup. More locations are coming soon! Please check store locator for updates.

Q. When will curbside be available in my area?

A. We are constantly evaluating our curbside offerings per store.  Please check store locator for most accurate information.

Q. Does Stater Bros. Markets offer a delivery service?

A. Yes, through our delivery partners. Please visit for additional information.

Q. What are the hours for curbside pickup?

A. Currently curbside operates from 7AM to 9PM.

Q. What store around me has a fresh cut station?

A.  You can see which stores near you offer fresh cut produce by using our store locator.

Q. What store around me offers custom cakes?

A. You can see which stores near you offers custom cakes by using our store locator to determine if the store has a full service bakery.

Q. What store around me offers fresh sushi?

A. You can see which stores near you offer fresh sushi by using our store locator.

Store Payment Information

Q. Does Stater Bros. Markets give cash back?

A. Yes if you’re using a Debit Card you can receive cash back. Minimum purchase of $5.

Q. Does Stater Bros. Markets accept mobile wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay?

A. Yes, we accept all mobile wallets.

Q. Does Stater Bros. Markets accept checks?

A. Yes, we will accept a personal check with valid identification.

Q. Does Stater Bros. Markets accept credit cards?

A. Yes, we accept all major credit cards.

Q. How do I use my Digital Deals Coupons at checkout?

A. By entering the 10-digit code at checkout (in store only)

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